Friday, April 22, 2011


So i actually went to Farmlab last friday however i just lag on postings as we know. not one of my strong suits at all unfortunatly. besides the point, farmlab was pretty sick if i do say so myself. well there werent speakers anymore the people said, so i got to just walk around and check everything out. it was neat; from interior designing (strange things to say the least) and outdoor reversal! for example, the cars were filled with plants growing out of them. i believe it was to symbolize that mother nature can take back over what we humans have created at any point in time. which is so universally true! i loved this place. it was different. it even had a red trolley car underneath a brigde lol random much?

 also i loved the sign inside the building that said "artists need to create on the same scale that society has the capacity to destroy". it really touched me since im an ecological restoration major when i transfer to humboldt this fall and the world continues to detory nature at a rate where we rebuild it so much slower. technology seems to be the root of what people are concentrated on instead of the world itself that we live on. we need to stop and remember that the world is ours to nuture and not destroy.

as you can see i really enjoyed myself. what i also like was how close it was to the downtown part of LA. its showed that even a place like this can be in the middle of nowhere, yet so close to the city. i suppose anything in life is possible and this place just opened my eyes a little more to the artistic yet radical ideas that people have in the world. that people still take the time to express themselves on a deep natural level then just scratching the surface. i also liked how you got to look around at everything yourself, with no one showing you or explaining things to you, like in a museum, gallery, or center. it was your time to look at everything yourself and make your own assesment on things. i dug it. i hope this place stays open and can give someone else the openess on life it had given me. 


my soundtrack :)

my soundtrack for awhile <3 check it out if you like dubsteppppp (:


So i went to the Beall Center for art and technology and to say the least it was pretty cool. obviously not what i expected at all; especially for the drive hahah. but anywho, it was very interesting to see this objects that would be pressurized with air to blow up and move based on motion sensors. it was very creative. 
my favorite part personally was the birds that would "fly". also, i dont have a picture of it but the first thing you see when you walk in is a "man" and that was pretty neat. it kinda freaked me out at first because i felt like i was at knotts scary farm walking down a dark hallway lol
at the end of the day though i believe this is art because it was original and beautiful in my eyes. something i personally had NEVER seen before or ever expected to see. although it was a neat experience, i wish there was more to see then just the three pieces. i was expecting to see more products of art but oh well life is never a planned out thing i suppose. overall i liked it :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gracie Kendal

Kristine Schomaker is a second life artist known as Gracie Kendal. She lives in Los Angeles and bases her work on new media and performance art; she is also a painter and art historian. She received her BA in Art History and her MA in Studio Art from California State University at Northridge. For over 12 years, she has been experimenting with various interdisciplinary art forms including using online virtual worlds and social networking technologies to connect with international audiences and local arts communities. Kristine's current work explores notions of online identity, specifically the construction of Avatars. Her work as a whole stands as an allegory of the relationship between appearance and identity, illusion, belief and reality. Two projects she is presently working on include, "My Life as an Avatar: The Gracie Kendal project" and "1000 Avatars" a contemporary anthropology of portraits of avatars in the virtual world of Second Life.

She also paints in real life which is influenced by graphic design, pop art, virtual reality and animation.
i really life her art in this form because its bright and beautiful and it also reminds me of jackson pollocks work but its more colorful (:

Her avatar work is new media work which is what she referred to as looking at herself through a different mirror. Its called the "Gracie Kendal Project"
Its basically her real self talking to her avatar self. Pretty inventive i guess. her qoute that she says, "…I have found it difficult to be comfortable in my own skin. My sense of self has become dislodged and torn apart. Through Gracie I have begun to put myself back together."

Her other SL project is called "1000 avatars project" and it is bascially where she takes photos of avatars who volunteer and where their favorite avatars clothing and she takes pictures of them.

For more information: