Friday, February 25, 2011

new blogggg

so here is the new blog. totally bumming it because i really liked my wordpress account. but oh well onto the next blog lol
so basically last class we started talking about identity art. identity art is art the reflects one self, basically. it can also who you are or what your not. it can reflect a persons' religion, race, or gender, if not more.
some of the identity art we saw in class gave me the idea that identity art somewhat is trying to get a viewpoint across. && i guess our identity can be choosen, however most of the time it is just put on us.  i have never really seen, well at least noticed any identity art until this class. so identity art as we saw in class ranges from like 1980-2000 and is 20th century art. well at least this is what i was gathering from the quick lesson :) i also really liked Nikki S. Lee's work and how it was her intergrating into those lifestyles for a period of time and having her picture taken that way. it was definately an original work of art. Also trueism was broughten up through Jenny Holzer's work. very interesting.  i actually really dig it. as well as those artists i really thought the angry little asian girl identity art was pretty f***in hilarious. i even went on youtube to watch the different ones!

so im stoked to make this a collage for our project. i have such a great idea! its gunna be sickk, well at least i think so. and to also look up this artist that i have. i pulled the name Komar + Melamid. we will see whats up in my next blogg. toodles :)