Thursday, March 24, 2011


ok so the three project choices for this midterm are 1. not possible 2.susipciously perverted 3. F***in gay
i have not just been sterotypical in any aspect suprisingly. so with the whole video thing, i dont own a camera, video camera, nor do i have the possibility of making a film. and the whole "secondlife" thing my software doesnt match the garphics so i cant even see my person; so just to be informative i went on other online dual sites like realrealm,etc...and let me tell you (apologies to ppl who find this amusing) but WTF! like lemme duel you cuz i made fun of the way you my town come say it to my face and ill punch you. maybe the this whole "virtual world" can FINALLY establish the word non cool. cuz seriously if you have time for this what the hell are you doing with your life...go out and meet some REAL people. stop bein so enclosed ppl, like honestly, its sad. call me! ill take you one needs to pretend to be someone they are not especially me cuz i LOVE WHO I AM <3
and i made a second personality facebook but my mom was totally against cuz she says its what perverts do, so there goes that :0 bummage for sure but i still made one ;) its called personalityyy who obeyessss :)  well i suppose good children do, but im an adult and i make my own decisions, duh! I neeD friends though look me up, Lexi Harris :) blonde emo hair. need a pic er something lemme knowww...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Komar && Melamid


So the artists i drew were Komar and Melamid. This actually are two artists who work together by the name of  Vitaly Komar (born 1943) and Alexander Melamid (born 1945). They are mainly known as graphic artists. Both of these men were born in Moscow, Russia. These men are both Americans, just born in Russia. And this totally interesting to me because im russian, so im automatically drawn to these artists. These two men later moved to Isreal and finally New York. Both of these men describe themselves as not just being artists but being a "movement". They believed their art to be unique and something new and inventive.
These two men founded the movement called 'SotsArt' which is a mixture between soviet pop and conceptual art. they had many exhibitions and finally became widely known in 1976, when they were to host their first international exhibition in New York, but the soviet denied them to leave the country.
the two men even created their own country for a time period that had a constitution and passports. this place was known as "trans-state".
 Next throughout the 1970's these two men discovered  art "called “Post-Art,” pioneering the use of multi-stylistic images, prefiguring the eclectic combination of styles in post modernism which became popular in the 1980s."
They also established their own company called Komar & Melamid Inc. which "the buying and selling of souls" were accumulated and one of which was Andy Warhols.
"From 1994-1997, the artists worked on the series People’s Choice, whereby they created the “most wanted” and “least wanted” paintings of various countries based on the results of surveys conducted by professional polling companies".
I actually really dig their artwork and movements they came up with. they were very bold in everything they did and did what they wanted to. these two men stop collaborating with one another in 2003, however, their work will continue to viewed and both men forever.
Komar and Melamid were very outgoing and inspirational to many people.

collage much? : a different perspective on my identity

front view

back view

side view

side view

So this is my collage of myself. kinda strange of idea of a collage i know, but i wanted to be different. so i used a styrofoam head. first i sprayed painted it all different colors because i am a mixture of many different things. then i placed believe it or not catnip, yes the catnip plant on the part of the head to represent my GREEN side of me, since im very earthly (also my nickname is cat, so it was ironic) lol the head also has a headband like i wear alot, and a flower in my ear cuz i wear flowers alot. the reason the mouth is half-way sown shut is because sometimes i need to learn when to keep my mouth shut, it is a part of what i expect to be a part of me. anyways, i placed pictures all around it then popping out everywhere, since im really unpredictable and random.
the pictures represent me in everyway.
FRONT VIEW: penguins (favorite animal & i adopted one), my friends.
SIDE VIEW (green side): my within a green forest, the earth being green symbol.
BACK VIEW: my family (mom && stepdad), me laughing as a child (&& since i live to make ppl laugh), i am a strong, independent woman, picture of my with my friends snowboarding (one of my fav things), a picture of ukraine and its national colors ( my heritage).
SIDE VIEW: music coming out of my ears (music is what makes me feel alive), family (my three half sisters and half brother from my real father), and symbol to represent equality among the world.

all of these things are my identity and many more things are too. this was just to give an idea that i am a eccentric person who has yet to be tamed in this world of mislead pathways. i love my life, and who i am. hopefully this shows that.


So fyi: i hate, let me repeat, i hate blogger, like i cant even figure out how to move pictures and place them where i want on this page. but watever.
anyways, the los angeles county museum of art was simply fabulous. i loved it. my favorite section of the whole museum i say was the contemporary art section with the painting above in it. it had so many outrageous things in this section, such as a HUGE version of a ballon dog. and it had huge kellogs boxes (as shown above). it was simply to die for. everything was so eye catching and extremely well put together in a way that might as well be undescribeable. i spent so much time wandering around it again and again. my second favorite part was of course, the modern art section. this is where i found jackson pollocks work as well as many others. i also deiscovered that i enjoy weird things such a sculptures and inanimate objects like charis,shoes, and lights (such simple things) placed in such an order that it became art. makes me wonder if my room is art in some way...
i also discovered my favorite painting...that head of a woman by pablo picasso. its the first picture up above. this painting just for some reason took my attention of paintings to a whole new level. i dont even really like picasso's work all that much, but for some reason i love this painting. a woman came by me, who worked there, and said why i was staring at this painting. i told her it was beautiful, that i cant tell why but i love it. she explained to me to look deeper into the painting. use the idea of time. so i stared as she explained, do you see the hand moving in you see the two faces, but how it is really one face? do you see the ears, the eyes, the hair? all of sudden it was like the painting was moving and it made sense. i guess people can all see different things with paintings, i saw a head of a woman who was progressing through time.
finally i walked through the american art building, european art, and the egyptian art. at the very end before i left, i sat in on a painting seminar for 15 min, where a lady would speak on a painting and tell about the artist, etc. i learned about the painting by georges barque called the concert. i learned about cubism and even some more on picasso, since georges and him were fellow artists.
overall, i had a splendid time and i plan to go back and take my family since this time i went all by myself.