Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cacophony Society

The Cacophony Society was started in 1986. It is a group of randomly fitted individuals who are joined together by a common, natural appreciation of the worlds cultural capacities that include belief systems, aesthetics, and ways of living that strike an opposition in the harmonious conformity that a society is accepting
The whole idea behind this group is to not have the people in this society, or any society for that matter, be part of the "mainstream" of the cultural ad shay that is typically viewed. this could include influences from the media, pop culture, the trends of the week, or even to follow what the "cool kids" are wearing and doing. The Cacophony Society appreciates indivualism ! and to this, to BREAK OUT of the mainstream, they use "pranks, art, fringe explorations and meaningless madness." these people are very "out there" to say the least; these are what people refer to as weirdos, not the norm.
i would personally consider this group a flash mob because they are all getting to gether to preform this prank or action, rather then a preformance piece.
this group usually dresses up in costumes and preforms pranks in public places; the public places that are actually off limits to the public.Come to find out some of the organizers of the The Cacophony Society are part of the same group who were at and associated with the first Burning Man.
besides the point, though the public may at times see this group as a disruption,they are just trying to show people that disruption is ok in life because it stops and gets you out your "zombie" routine and to them thats out of mainstream.
they are mostly known for their pranks with Santa Claus such as singing retarded christmas carols or bringing strippers on Santas Lap.
although i might think that some of their pranks might be a little extreme or pass the point of respect, i do believe in their message and what they convey about not conforming to the mainstream ideals society might hold for us.

there is a movie coming out soon about this Cacophony Society that gets more in depth; but here is the trailer so a visual of these "weirdos" who stand for more then being part of the norm (yet sometimes WAY to extreme).

finished :)

so i did. complete.
module four :::
1.FarmLab. [[DONE]]
2.My artist research. [[DONE]]
3. Earth/Land project. [[DONE]]
4. Eight other artists researched. [[DONE]]

well, i might of had a hard time with this whole blog thing (just cuz its not my thing i suppose; but i tried!), but i finished module four and im feeling good. i really hope i did good on this because i did not know i had such a low grade :[
im really stressing out, cuz if my GPA drops cuz of a failed class i could lose my enrollment to Humboldt :/ so hopefully i did enough and did good. i think im going to do some extra artists to hopefully boost my grade to at least a passing C.

keeping  my fingers crossed! overall, this class was really cool though and opened not only my eyes, but my mind as well. basically taught me a life lesson; about getting to know whats beyond what i see in life, but what else is in front of me as well. i need to consider others and what they might see.

gotta love it when you have ephinanys of things you KNOW you should already be doing, although u arent.
who would of thought an art class would make me realize myself :)
i guess we are all pieces of art; perfect in our bizarre imperfections.

Improv Everywhere !

"Improv Everywhere is a New York City-based prank collective that causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places." improv means to do things on the spot. you just go with what pops in your mind and make it work. Improv Everywhere was created in August of 2001 by a man named Charlie Todd. Improv Everywhere carries out "missions" in public places. the groups main goal is to cause a scene of joy. its randomness at its best !
there are hundreds of people that show up to conduct these missions, and this resemebles a flash mob. However in great strength Improv Everywhere wants the public to know that they do not associate themselves as a flash mob at all; since flash mobs were created after their group was.
this group is amazing! i cant believe this many ppl get together to actually do these acts of awesomesness!

Improv everywhere has been seen on many news reports (in a good way) and its popularity continues to grow.

Marcel Duchamp

Marcel Duchamp is an artist who is best known for introducing the ready-made object into visual art, co-founding Dada and being a contributor with the Surrealists art movement. He also worked with cubism in paintings.  A ready-made object is something like where he might take a toilet and place it on pedastal and call it art. or some already made tangiable object and do something new with it.
Perhaps his greatest contribution, though, is that he helped transform the focus of art away from just being viewed visual but with using ones mind as well. He had a huge impact on the contemporary art world as well.
Like mentioned above though his most popular work besides dada/avant-garde is his ready mades which can be considered kinetic works. his famous pieces were The Large Glass and The Bicycle Wheel.
he was so influential to so many art movements and he gave the world so much more then we could of asked for. his work to me was inspiring because nobody had done anything remotely close to what he brought forth.

Alexander McQueen

Lee Alexander McQueen is a fashion designer best known for his in-depth tailoring and his clothes always showing sensuality with frailty in his collections, as well as the emotional power and raw energy of his provocative repoir. His interest in fashion started at an early age. He used to sew with his sisters. At the age of 16, McQueen landed an apprenticeship with Anderson & Sheppard, tailors for Savile Row and from there moved to Milan at the age of 20 where his career bloosomed.  He got to become cheif designer at Givenchy (a well known fashion company) from 1996 to 2001 and for founding his own label under the name Alexander McQueen.

he was an openly gay man who lived his life. His design of fashion are some what at times obscure and outrageous. yet there are eloquent and starstriking. His clothes are worn by such stars as Lady GaGa, Rhianna, Nicole Kidman, and Sarah Jessica Parker.

He had great success; however he hung and killed himself in Feb. 2010. it was said he was doing alot of drugs and very unhappy at the time of his death.

Vivienne Westwood

Vivienne Westwood is one of the most recognized and influential designers for fashion in this era of consumerism. She was 25 years old, married, and went to church and taught in a local primary school. she lived in England. she met Malcolm Mclaren, and he led her into the underground of the late 1960’s street. He talked to her on the political power of art and liberated her creative desires from their bondage in working class conformity. After hearing this she could no longer keep quiet in her daily life routine. she started to become a streamtress for the subculture of pop/punk.
she opened a store called LET IT ROCK and it sold ripped T-shirts, chains and assorted bondage gear that she herself designed and wore. She even became the dress coordinator for the Sex Pistols!
The early 1980s was the time of the New Romantics,she changed to a new vision of Pirates. this collection had lots of buckles, boots, etc, this collection was shown in a show at Paris and it secured her fame for good. shes been designing clothes ever since, now with a somewhat victorian feel to it. she is also a global activist for saving the earth! :)

Westwood in her clothing from her store LET IT ROCK

Vivian Westwood now

from her recent line

isamu noguchi

isamu noguchi was a Japanese sculptor, designer, architect, and craftsman. he believed that through sculpture and architecture, one could better understand the struggle with nature. later in his life after moving from Japan, to the US, to Japan he finally returned to the US.  he went back to new york in 1932, where he made his name as
a sculptor and portrait artist, as well as winning commissions for memorials, monuments and industrial designs. his work takes a somewhat futuristic insight. it looked some what like objects you would see in the "jetsons" episode for there houses, buildings, or funiture. also, i suppose his work is more geometrice then anything, with spirals/circles.
one of the greatest things about some of his work is he enjoyed the outdoors and made art pieces that could go outside and function with its environment. as a landscape architect, noguchi created a large number of playgrounds, parks and gardens. There are examples of these parks mainly in Japan. he also designed a big red cube building that is in NYC.
his work was very inspiring because he wanted to design and give back to the cities. he did what he loved in designing and help the public all at the same time.
he died in 1988.