Thursday, May 19, 2011

isamu noguchi

isamu noguchi was a Japanese sculptor, designer, architect, and craftsman. he believed that through sculpture and architecture, one could better understand the struggle with nature. later in his life after moving from Japan, to the US, to Japan he finally returned to the US.  he went back to new york in 1932, where he made his name as
a sculptor and portrait artist, as well as winning commissions for memorials, monuments and industrial designs. his work takes a somewhat futuristic insight. it looked some what like objects you would see in the "jetsons" episode for there houses, buildings, or funiture. also, i suppose his work is more geometrice then anything, with spirals/circles.
one of the greatest things about some of his work is he enjoyed the outdoors and made art pieces that could go outside and function with its environment. as a landscape architect, noguchi created a large number of playgrounds, parks and gardens. There are examples of these parks mainly in Japan. he also designed a big red cube building that is in NYC.
his work was very inspiring because he wanted to design and give back to the cities. he did what he loved in designing and help the public all at the same time.
he died in 1988.


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