Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cacophony Society

The Cacophony Society was started in 1986. It is a group of randomly fitted individuals who are joined together by a common, natural appreciation of the worlds cultural capacities that include belief systems, aesthetics, and ways of living that strike an opposition in the harmonious conformity that a society is accepting
The whole idea behind this group is to not have the people in this society, or any society for that matter, be part of the "mainstream" of the cultural ad shay that is typically viewed. this could include influences from the media, pop culture, the trends of the week, or even to follow what the "cool kids" are wearing and doing. The Cacophony Society appreciates indivualism ! and to this, to BREAK OUT of the mainstream, they use "pranks, art, fringe explorations and meaningless madness." these people are very "out there" to say the least; these are what people refer to as weirdos, not the norm.
i would personally consider this group a flash mob because they are all getting to gether to preform this prank or action, rather then a preformance piece.
this group usually dresses up in costumes and preforms pranks in public places; the public places that are actually off limits to the public.Come to find out some of the organizers of the The Cacophony Society are part of the same group who were at and associated with the first Burning Man.
besides the point, though the public may at times see this group as a disruption,they are just trying to show people that disruption is ok in life because it stops and gets you out your "zombie" routine and to them thats out of mainstream.
they are mostly known for their pranks with Santa Claus such as singing retarded christmas carols or bringing strippers on Santas Lap.
although i might think that some of their pranks might be a little extreme or pass the point of respect, i do believe in their message and what they convey about not conforming to the mainstream ideals society might hold for us.

there is a movie coming out soon about this Cacophony Society that gets more in depth; but here is the trailer so a visual of these "weirdos" who stand for more then being part of the norm (yet sometimes WAY to extreme).

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